Our Philosophy

  • At Vasey Park Preschool we recognise and respect the Wurundjeri people as the traditional custodians of the land on which we learn. We acknowledge the Aboriginal people as the first people of Australia and value their knowledge and culture.
  • Our centre follows the guiding principles of the National Quality Standards and the Early Years Learning Framework, encompassing the values of Belonging, Being and Becoming which are embedded within our program. We believe in providing an inclusive and high-quality developmental program which are active play based, with a combination of child-initiated learning, adult enriched learning, children’s interests and intentional teaching. We encourage each child to have fun and learn through play.
  • We recognise that each child is unique and valued. We view children as capable, competent, co-contributors’ and acknowledge them as active participants in their own learning.
  • We aim to foster self-worth in each child. We promote relationships of trust and respect, to enhance each child’s sense of well-being, security and identity.
  • Vasey Park Preschool is a child safe service. Child Safe Standards guide our practices and we ensure that the safety and well-being of each child is paramount.
  • We acknowledge, respect and support the role of parents as their child’s 1st As a community-managed centre, we recognise the value of the family and their involvement during their child’s time with us. We believe in working in partnerships with our families and strongly encourage family participation at all levels and times within the centre.
  • We believe that all children should be treated with equity and their diverse backgrounds acknowledged. We embrace the diversity of our community and encourage each child and their family to share their culture, language, and ideas.
  • We believe that all children have the right to high quality early childhood education that is sensitive to their needs and is provided within a safe, caring, stimulating and healthy environment.
  • We value and respect staff individuality, knowledge, qualifications, experience and encourage growth and positive team co-operation. Our teachers & educators are positive role models, guiding behaviour by example, and interacting with children in a way that encourages learning as a pleasant and enjoyable experience. By using reflective practices and continually developing our professional knowledge and skills, they can provide the best possible learning and developmental opportunities for all children.
  • We believe the rights of all individuals who enter our centre are acknowledged and treated with respect – we welcome you all to it!
  •  We are a child safe service. Child Safe Standards guide our practices  https://ccyp.vic.gov.au/child-safe-standards/the-11-child-safe-standards/